» Read Online A Sneak Peek into the Future Revelation 822 Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids Kay Arthur Janna Arndt 9780736920360 Books
Sisca R. Bakara on Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Read Online A Sneak Peek into the Future Revelation 822 Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids Kay Arthur Janna Arndt 9780736920360 Books

Product details - Age Range 8 - 11 years
- Grade Level 4 - 6
- Series Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids
- Paperback 208 pages
- Publisher Harvest House Publishers; Student/Stdy Gde edition (March 1, 2007)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0736920366

A Sneak Peek into the Future Revelation 822 Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids Kay Arthur Janna Arndt 9780736920360 Books Reviews
- The overwhelming majority of adult believers would benefit from this book, as the average adult believer knows almost NOTHING about the Book of Revelation!
This is well done, aimed at kids around 8-12, in my opinion. Plan on spending 20-45 minutes on each lesson (it varies from lesson to lesson).
Make sure you realize that this is the SECOND book on Revelation. If you haven't don't the first one, make sure you start with that. - I love love love this Bible study! It has plenty of review, variety of activity, and is biblically sound. My youngest (1st grade emerging reader) needs extra time with each lesson so we simply set a time that we start and finish and go as far as we can focusing on understanding and retention of the truth vs trying to get through it in one day. My older kids (4th and 6th grade) have no trouble completing one lesson each day. The teacher review book is helpful.
- We love these Bible Study guides and highly recommend any of Kay Arthur's study material. We have been using this study guide series with our kids for the past couple years. I would say it is good for ages 8-12. At the younger ages, they would need guidance, but the older ones could do it on their own. We prefer to study them together as a family.
- Using this book to help me teach 3rd to 5th graders. Great way to introduce the bible
- Great help in sharing Revelation with my 11 year old great-granddaughter.
- My two youngest daughters have learned invaluable Scriptures in this Study. The format is challenging in some ways, but also fun.
- Recommended to anyone with children wanting to learn more about the bible. Kay Arthur does a great job in getting you involved in the Word!
- Good study for kids that age.