» Download Most of All You A Love Story Mia Sheridan 9781538727348 Books
Sisca R. Bakara on Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Download Most of All You A Love Story Mia Sheridan 9781538727348 Books

Product details - Paperback 352 pages
- Publisher Forever (October 17, 2017)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 153872734X

Most of All You A Love Story Mia Sheridan 9781538727348 Books Reviews
- This is one of the best books I've read. I can't tell you how hard I got wrapped up in this story. But that is what Mia Sheridan does to you in her books.
Even as the story begins she's ripping my heart out of my chest. Prologue, the prologue she has me a mess. I knew I was in trouble. Crystal one of the main characters had such a bad start to life. Working as a stripper is all she thought she was capable of doing. Then she meets Gabriel and her life will forever change. When he enters The Platinum Pearl she sense he doesn't belong.
Then he tells her his name and she remembers that he was in the news when she was young. But she had no idea of the extent of the tortured life he lived.
He needed her help, he wanted to heal to become normal. Something she may never feel, being normal. Healed from the things that happened in her past .
They needed each other but she couldn't let herself feel. It would only hurt to much.
"Beautiful things happen when you least expect them"
"Don't stop yourself from dreaming. Dreams are what keeps our hearts alive.
Lemon Fair, the Queen of Meringue.
The emotional feelings this story gives you will stay with you for life. You will cry, your heart will hurt. At points I found myself rocking back and forth. I wasn't sitting in a rocking chair. Don't miss out on this book.
It should be made into a movie.
I would have given this book a 10 star if possible. Loved it! - I really like author Mia Sheridan, I loved Kyland and Archer's Voice, and this book had so much potential if only Mia Sheridan gave more of Gabriel and Eloise 's background stories because when she did give some of it ,it was a 5 star read for me. When Eloise tells the story about what happened to her at the age of twelve it was like a bullseye to the heart , and helped me to understand her character so well , it was perfection when those passages were read but they were too far and few for me.I needed those moments especially with the character Eloise because at times I wasn't sure if I liked her , her hurt always seemed to "trump"( sorry that word doesn't type as well as it used to ) 😉 Gabriel 's in her eyes and I didn't think she should have been as selfish as she was.When some of her past was explained it made me feel for her and with her character I needed that. Now Gabriel was a gift of a man but again this young man was abducted and held captive by a evil sexual rapist in a basement for 6 years and his only way out was to kill the man and that is all you are basically told about his past, but I definitely think we as the readers needed more depth of his fear,pain ,and suffering, nothing graphic because it would break my heart but I was just looking for the emotions of his life at that tragic time , it was like the author purposefully left it all out to be delicate to such a situation but I felt it hurt her book and it's emotional connection with the characters . This could have easily been a 10 star read if only the author gave more of the past and attached the feelings of the characters to their past more often because like I said when it was expressed and shown it was done very well and it just needed to be shown more often for my taste.Gabriel is just too namaste about all he has endeared and Eloise was too "it's all about my painful childhood " about her past and it just didn't balance well enough for me personally, because honestly I think even though both their childhoods were very tragic Gabriel 's was more tragic in my eyes . It's a solid read but it was barely a 4 star read for me it was more of a 3.75 , I gave it 4 stars because I really truly like and respect author Mia Sheridan and when she gives you the big feels without holding back she does it beautifully but this book just seemed to be "holding back " for me and the Epilogue was good but usually hers are Epic and I missed the Epic of what this read could have been if it just focused more on Gabriel and Eloise ' past and less on the day to day drama and if Eloise wasn't written so on the "it's all about me " side .Again it's a good solid read but it should have been more , because when you got some of the emotional times it fit this book 's subject matter so well.Look if you are going to write about child abuse, child abductions, death of parents ,rapes,murder,beatings, etc... you have to go all in or not , you can't skirt around the subjects because it doesn't work that way, it's all in or not ! Its write it all or scale back on the tragedies and focus on one or two issues and don't take on 10 major issues.Just my thoughts,it was a bit too much of too many tragedies and not enough depth of them all for me sorry to say.
- I get so excited when Mia Sheridan announces a new book is coming! I have read and loved all of her previous books. Most Of All You was one of my most anticipated books this year, and it definitely did not disappoint. Her books always, always has a lesson to teach us. What we take away from it is our own perception, but they always teach me about love, hardships and conquering our fears head on. Her books has a strong theme of how love can conquer all, and what a challenge it can be to just reach out and grasp that love and hold on to it.
This is a beautiful, heartbreaking story about two very different people. Gabriel has definitely had more than his fair share of hardship growing up. The most endearing trait about him was how he overcame his demons and sees the beauty in all things instead of the ugliness. That is a special trait because as humans we are quick to look for the bad, instead of enjoying the simple beauty of just life in general.
"I win every time I'm bold in how I love. I want to say I win a hundred times a day, a thousand, by loving the sunrise, and the wind, and the way raindrops sound on my window."~Gabriel
Ellie's story literally brought tears to my eyes and my heart ached for her. She endured such hardships at such a young age. She grew up and hardened herself to the world, this was her defense mechanism. She lived paycheck to paycheck, and at times that wasn't even enough. She was very distrustful of men in general, and she would slip on a mask whenever she was dealing with a man.
"Somewhere along the line, men's bodies had all started looking the same to me. Fat, skinny, well built...what did it matter? They all used them the same way to inflict pain on others, and to take pleasure for themselves."~Ellie
Gabriel is an artist, a sculptor, and he is very talented at what he does. He has hands for creating beauty. This book has a strong theme of how broken Ellie is and in desperate need to be pieced back together with love and caring hands. Even though she may be broken, those broken pieces show how strong she is and reminds her of what she has been able to overcome.
"I don't create beauty, I just reveal what's already there."~Gabriel
"Is that what he was trying to do with me? Reveal some sort of imagined beauty? Chip away at all the sharp edges and rough spots until I was what he pictured me to be deep down inside? What he hoped I was?"~Ellie
It is easy to see how different Gabriel and Ellie are, what different lives they lead. But there is a lesson to be learned from each of these characters. They can help each other conquer their past experiences and move on in life instead of being at a standstill. It can be so hard to open your heart and simply trust another human. What if they take you for granted? What if they walk away? What if they take advantage of you? So many what if's we face daily, but you have to come to a point to be willing to take that chance, to open your heart and mind to love.
"It's not the things you do with love and good intentions that you end up regretting. It's the things you don't do that you have to live with. Be honest with yourself about your intentions, and then follow your heart. Regardless of the outcome, you'll never live with regret."
Gabriel and Ellie both deserved to find peace and happiness within their lives. I don't want to spoil this book for anyone. It is better to go in without reading spoilers, as you will appreciate the story much more. It is beautiful, poignant, and so very unique. I felt an entire range of emotions while reading this book. My heart raged for Gabriel and Ellie, but I was also able to feel their pain, and was elated when they found their happiness.
"She spoke of the hurts of her past, the shattering of her heart, but mostly she spoke of healing and how she'd learned that damage is a slow piecing back together. Once, she said, you told me that solid stone is nothing more than sand and pressure and time. I was the sand, so easy to crumble. You provided the pressure, Gabriel, the holding together, the love. All the confidence you had in me was what I needed in order to take a chance on myself. And then you gave me the most selfless gift of all time, so I could finally break apart and put myself back together."~Ellie