PDF Federal Income Taxation Principles and Policies University Casebook Series Michael Graetz Deborah Schenk Anne Alstott Books

By Sisca R. Bakara on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

PDF Federal Income Taxation Principles and Policies University Casebook Series Michael Graetz Deborah Schenk Anne Alstott Books

Product details

  • Series University Casebook Series
  • Hardcover 866 pages
  • Publisher Foundation Press; 8 edition (July 20, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1640206809

Federal Income Taxation Principles and Policies University Casebook Series Michael Graetz Deborah Schenk Anne Alstott Books Reviews

  • This is quite literally the worst law school textbook I have ever been assigned. It is literally worthless, despite its ridiculous price. I would give it zero stars, but won't let me do that...so one star it is. The thing is poorly written and was, and will be until this class is over, the bane of my existence. I get ill looking at the book. I consider jumping off my balcony every time I look at the book, but I live on the second floor and there is an awning directly below my balcony, making any attempt futile and equally pathetic as is this book's attempt to explain tax to anyone or anything, bird, beast, or fowl. I cannot wait to re-sell this piece of refuse to another law student to recoup at least some of my money. This is the ONLY law school textbook I have ever had any desire to part with. I, however do not intend to sell my statutory supplement. This is not because I think it is a great piece of legislation, but rather because the re-sale value is too low to justify the resale compared to what I plan to do to it. I am going to Rand Paul the statutory supplement (that's taking a chainsaw to it for those who missed the last presidential primary) instead. Only buy this book if you have a death wish you wish you follow through on. This book will be your own Kevorkian device.
  • Totally useless and incoherent. Professors assigning this book are doing students a disservice. Use the Chirelstein supplement instead, and assign edited cases.
More aboutPDF Federal Income Taxation Principles and Policies University Casebook Series Michael Graetz Deborah Schenk Anne Alstott Books

Ebook Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? Spanish Edition edition by Mano Book Bai Cha Mobo Reader Literature Fiction eBooks

By Sisca R. Bakara

Ebook Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? Spanish Edition edition by Mano Book Bai Cha Mobo Reader Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? Spanish Edition edition by Mano Book Bai Cha Mobo Reader Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? Spanish Edition  edition by Mano Book Bai Cha Mobo Reader Literature Fiction eBooks

¿Qué esperas de tu cumpleaños? ¿Dinero? ¿Joyería? ¿U otras cosas? Lo que sea, pero por lo menos debe ser un día maravilloso. Lola Hernández, una mujer linda, encantadora e inteligente, graduada en la comunicación audiovisual a una edad muy temprana. Todo el mundo pensaba que Lola tendría un futuro muy prometedor pero las cosas no salieron como se esperaba. Su fiesta de cumpleaños de 22 años fue una pesadilla para ella. Cuando terminó su fiesta de cumpleaños, su mejor amiga la traicionó, su novio la abandonó y su familia se arruinó por completo. Cuando se despertó al día siguiente, Lola se encontraba tumbada en la cama de una habitación de hotel. Con el corazón acelerado, solo podía recordar vagamente a un hombre extraño con el que estaba anoche. ¿Había venido para salvarla? O ¿Era un demonio que lo estaba persiguiendo?

Ebook Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? Spanish Edition edition by Mano Book Bai Cha Mobo Reader Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 540 KB
  • Print Length 325 pages
  • Publication Date March 4, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Spanish

Read Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? Spanish Edition  edition by Mano Book Bai Cha Mobo Reader Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? (Spanish Edition) - edition by Mano Book, Bai Cha, Mobo Reader. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? (Spanish Edition).,ebook,Mano Book, Bai Cha, Mobo Reader,Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? (Spanish Edition),Literary Collections / Asian / General,Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy

Amor Es El Aire 7 ¿Me Perdonarás? Spanish Edition edition by Mano Book Bai Cha Mobo Reader Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

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PDF Conscious Experience A Logical Inquiry Anil Gupta 9780674987784 Books

By Sisca R. Bakara

PDF Conscious Experience A Logical Inquiry Anil Gupta 9780674987784 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 440 pages
  • Publisher Harvard University Press (February 11, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0674987780

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Download PDF Forgiveness and Letting Go in EmotionFocused Therapy Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD Leslie S Greenberg PhD 9781433830570 Books

By Sisca R. Bakara on Monday, May 27, 2019

Download PDF Forgiveness and Letting Go in EmotionFocused Therapy Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD Leslie S Greenberg PhD 9781433830570 Books

Download As PDF : Forgiveness and Letting Go in EmotionFocused Therapy Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD Leslie S Greenberg PhD 9781433830570 Books

Download PDF Forgiveness and Letting Go in EmotionFocused Therapy Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD Leslie S Greenberg PhD 9781433830570 Books

This book shows how forgiveness-oriented Emotion‑Focused Therapy (EFT) helps individuals and couples process
and transform distressing negative emotions by accessing internal resources of strength and self compassion. 
Many individuals and couples come to therapy because of unresolved feelings of anger and hurt due to experiences of
being wronged, betrayed, or violated. Over the past 20 years, Leslie Greenberg and his colleagues have undertaken
clinical research to articulate a model of emotional injury resolution and map out a therapy‑assisted path to forgiveness.
This book offers step‑by‑step guides for conducting EFT and EFT for couples, along with analyses of extensive
clinical case material. It shows readers how to
‑promote clients’ ownership of their emotional experience
‑empower clients to appropriately assign responsibility for harm done
‑help clients see themselves as having the personal resources and resilience to recover from the emotional injury
Therapists will also learn to help clients determine whether forgiveness—with or without reconciliation with the injurer—is
the right path for them, or whether therapy should focus instead on letting go of negative feelings.

Download PDF Forgiveness and Letting Go in EmotionFocused Therapy Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD Leslie S Greenberg PhD 9781433830570 Books


Product details

  • Hardcover 186 pages
  • Publisher American Psychological Association (July 23, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1433830574

Read Forgiveness and Letting Go in EmotionFocused Therapy Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD Leslie S Greenberg PhD 9781433830570 Books

Tags : Forgiveness and Letting Go in Emotion-Focused Therapy [Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD, Leslie S. Greenberg PhD] on . This book shows how forgiveness-oriented Emotion‑Focused Therapy (EFT) helps individuals and couples process<BR /> and transform distressing negative emotions by accessing internal resources of strength and self compassion. <BR /> Many individuals and couples come to therapy because of unresolved feelings of anger and hurt due to experiences of<BR /> being wronged,Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD, Leslie S. Greenberg PhD,Forgiveness and Letting Go in Emotion-Focused Therapy,American Psychological Association,1433830574,Couples therapy,Couples therapy.,Emotion-focused therapy,Emotion-focused therapy.,Forgiveness,Forgiveness.,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,PSYCHOLOGY / Clinical Psychology,PSYCHOLOGY / Emotions,PSYCHOLOGY / Psychotherapy / Couples Family,Psychology,Psychology/Emotions,Psychology/Mental Health,Psychology/Psychotherapy - Couples Family,relationships; EFT; emotion-focused therapy for couples; forgiveness therapy; forgiving; forgiving and reconciling; emotion change; couples; couples therapy; couple therapy; marriage; compassion; emotional injury; adaptive emotions; maladaptive emotions; emotional expression; unresolved feelings; unfinished business; unmet needs; Gestalt; empty chair dialogues; empty chair technique; resolution; resolving emotional injury; reconciliation; emotion processing; therapy process; therapeutic process; resentment; letting go of resentment; giving up resentment; resolving sadness; resolving anger; apology; renew trust; marital conflict,relationships;EFT;emotion-focused therapy for couples;forgiveness therapy;forgiving;forgiving and reconciling;emotion change;couples;couples therapy;couple therapy;marriage;compassion;emotional injury;adaptive emotions;maladaptive emotions;emotional expression;unresolved feelings;unfinished business;unmet needs;Gestalt;empty chair dialogues;empty chair technique;resolution;resolving emotional injury;reconciliation;emotion processing;therapy process;therapeutic process;resentment;letting go of resentment;giving up resentment;resolving sadness;resolving anger;apology;renew trust;marital conflict

Forgiveness and Letting Go in EmotionFocused Therapy Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD Leslie S Greenberg PhD 9781433830570 Books Reviews :

More aboutDownload PDF Forgiveness and Letting Go in EmotionFocused Therapy Catalina Woldarsky Meneses PhD Leslie S Greenberg PhD 9781433830570 Books

Download The NES Encyclopedia Every Game Released for the Nintendo Entertainment System Chris Scullion 9781526737793 Books

By Sisca R. Bakara

Download The NES Encyclopedia Every Game Released for the Nintendo Entertainment System Chris Scullion 9781526737793 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 264 pages
  • Publisher White Owl (July 19, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1526737795

More aboutDownload The NES Encyclopedia Every Game Released for the Nintendo Entertainment System Chris Scullion 9781526737793 Books

Read Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento Un'antologia critica Cahiers Italian Edition Silvio Raffo 9788832825008 Books

By Sisca R. Bakara

Read Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento Un'antologia critica Cahiers Italian Edition Silvio Raffo 9788832825008 Books

Download As PDF : Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento Un'antologia critica Cahiers Italian Edition Silvio Raffo 9788832825008 Books

Download PDF Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento Un&#39antologia critica Cahiers Italian Edition Silvio Raffo 9788832825008 Books

_feature_div" class="feature" data-feature-name="bookDescription">

Read Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento Un'antologia critica Cahiers Italian Edition Silvio Raffo 9788832825008 Books


Product details

  • Series Cahiers
  • Paperback 599 pages
  • Publisher Castelvecchi (March 28, 2019)
  • Language Italian
  • ISBN-10 8832825007

Read Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento Un&#39antologia critica Cahiers Italian Edition Silvio Raffo 9788832825008 Books

Tags : Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento. Un'antologia critica (Cahiers) (Italian Edition) [Silvio Raffo] on . ,Silvio Raffo,Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento. Un’antologia critica (Cahiers) (Italian Edition),Castelvecchi,8832825007

Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento Un'antologia critica Cahiers Italian Edition Silvio Raffo 9788832825008 Books Reviews :

More aboutRead Le muse del disincanto Poesia italiana del Novecento Un'antologia critica Cahiers Italian Edition Silvio Raffo 9788832825008 Books

PDF L'ultima corsa della notte Le quattro stagioni del giallo Italian Edition edition by Cristina Origone Antonella Monterisi Literature Fiction eBooks

By Sisca R. Bakara

PDF L'ultima corsa della notte Le quattro stagioni del giallo Italian Edition edition by Cristina Origone Antonella Monterisi Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : L'ultima corsa della notte Le quattro stagioni del giallo Italian Edition edition by Cristina Origone Antonella Monterisi Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF L&#39ultima corsa della notte Le quattro stagioni del giallo Italian Edition  edition by Cristina Origone Antonella Monterisi Literature Fiction eBooks

Può una sola notte cambiare il resto della tua vita?

Enzo sta guidando il taxi, è l’ultima corsa della notte e l’ultimo giorno di lavoro dopo aver trascorso più di quarant’anni fra le vie di Genova, ha deciso di andare in pensione e dedicarsi ad Adelina, la sua adorata moglie. Ma l’imprevisto è dietro l’angolo quando è in prossimità del garage della sua abitazione, all’improvviso, un ragazzo sbuca nella notte e attraversa la strada.
Enzo frena di colpo e riesce a evitare l’impatto ma quando scende dal taxi, e riconosce il ragazzo, la sua vita cambierà per sempre.

“L’ultima corsa della notte” è un racconto drammatico, dove il destino mette a confronto un padre con il figlio criminale, e la speranza con la disperazione di un uomo che non sa come salvare ciò che ha di più caro.

PDF L'ultima corsa della notte Le quattro stagioni del giallo Italian Edition edition by Cristina Origone Antonella Monterisi Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 630 KB
  • Print Length 36 pages
  • Publication Date March 15, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read L&#39ultima corsa della notte Le quattro stagioni del giallo Italian Edition  edition by Cristina Origone Antonella Monterisi Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : L'ultima corsa della notte (Le quattro stagioni del giallo) (Italian Edition) - edition by Cristina Origone, Antonella Monterisi. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading L'ultima corsa della notte (Le quattro stagioni del giallo) (Italian Edition).,ebook,Cristina Origone, Antonella Monterisi,L'ultima corsa della notte (Le quattro stagioni del giallo) (Italian Edition),Fiction / Mystery Detective / General,Fiction / Short Stories

L'ultima corsa della notte Le quattro stagioni del giallo Italian Edition edition by Cristina Origone Antonella Monterisi Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

More aboutPDF L'ultima corsa della notte Le quattro stagioni del giallo Italian Edition edition by Cristina Origone Antonella Monterisi Literature Fiction eBooks


By Sisca R. Bakara




La storia del santuario della Madonna della Querce, situato al limite settentrionale del comune di Fucecchio, ha origini remote anche se oggi poco conosciute.
Già nel medioevo esisteva una chiesa, intitolata al martire Nazario, ubicata più in basso rispetto all’attuale chiesa parrocchiale, di cui troviamo memoria già a partire dall’866; ma è soltanto all’inizio del XVII secolo che questo luogo, nascosto nei boschi delle Cerbaie, vivrà una nuova stagione, diventando un luogo di culto mariano la cui fama si estese nel Valdarno e nella Toscana settentrionale.
Un’immagine su una quercia e una fonte d’acqua danno origine ad una storia di fede giunta fino ai nostri giorni. Ma alla storia si è poi sovrapposta una leggenda e la Cellina, nome del piccolo santuario costruito sulla fonte, diventerà il luogo di un’apparizione della Madonna.
Particolarmente significativa la scoperta di un importante decreto del vescovo mons. Pio Alberto Del Corona che nel 1876, a conclusione della sua prima visita pastorale, concesse l’indulgenza a tutti coloro che, visitando la cappella detta « Cellina della Madonna », avessero recitato con sincera devozione tre Ave Maria. Nello stesso decreto l’acqua della fonte della Cellina fu dichiarata miracolosa.
Il libro, tratto dalla tesi “Santa Maria alla Querce nelle Cerbaie di Fucecchio”, discussa presso la Scuola diocesana di Formazione Teologica di San Miniato, affronta il delicato argomento delle discrepanze fra la storia e la leggenda. Frutto di ricerche condotte negli archivi propone al lettore un percorso ampiamente documentato che modifica quanto tradizionalmente conosciuto dalla gente di Querce, ma che non muterà le bellezza e l’importanza di questo luogo, a cui l’autrice ha voluto rendere omaggio.

Cinzia Paletti



Product details

  • File Size 2034 KB
  • Print Length 78 pages
  • Publication Date March 18, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian


Tags : Buy SANTA MARIA ALLA QUERCE STORIA E LEGGENDA DI UN SANTUARIO (Italian Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Cinzia Paletti,SANTA MARIA ALLA QUERCE STORIA E LEGGENDA DI UN SANTUARIO (Italian Edition),Fiction / Cultural Heritage,Fiction / Historical


More aboutDownload SANTA MARIA ALLA QUERCE STORIA E LEGGENDA DI UN SANTUARIO Italian Edition eBook Cinzia Paletti

PDF Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books

By Sisca R. Bakara on Sunday, May 26, 2019

PDF Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books

Download As PDF : Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books

Download PDF Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books

Foreword by Dr. Phil McGraw.

Ask yourself...are you truly who you want to be? Is this the life you really want? Are you living each day as your best self? What can you change today?

How would you answer those questions? Think about your daily life. Are you thriving or going through the motions? Are your days full of work, relationships, and activities that are true to your authentic self, or do you feel trapped on a treadmill of responsibility? If you dream of a better life, now is the time to turn your dream into reality. The tools you need are within your grasp to design a life that is fulfilling on the deepest levels. Best Self will show you how.

Mike Bayer, known to the thousands of clients whose lives he has changed as Coach Mike, has helped everyone from pop stars to business executives to people just like you discover the freedom to be their best selves. By asking them and leading them to ask themselves a series of important but tough questions - such as "What are your core values?", "Do you go to bed each day more knowledgeable than when you woke up?", and "Am I neglecting some aspect of my physical health out of fear or denial?" - he helps them see what their best selves and anti-selves really look like. 

As a mental health specialist, a personal development coach, and an all-around change agent, Mike has seen the amazing ways in which lives can improve with honesty and clarity. He understands our struggles intimately, because he's faced - and overcome - his own. He knows that change is possible. 

By working through each of the seven SPHERES of life - social, personal, health, education, relationships, employment, and spiritual development - Best Self is an accessible and interactive audiobook that distills all of Coach Mike's wisdom into a compact, focused guide that will ignite anyone's desire for change. Best Self will empower you to embrace your authenticity, acknowledge what is holding you back, and break through to live a passionate life to the fullest, forever.

Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

PLEASE NOTE When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

PDF Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books

"With all due respect, this is a decent book but says nothing that hasn't been written about in thousands of other books. You have heard it all before and lets face it, the fact that Dr. Phil is promoting/endorsing it is the reason for the book's success. Spheres of your life, arenas of your life, whatever..same old headings. Again, information and tips are useful but no original thoughts, no "theoretical thinking." What I do not like is the implicit message that you are not good enough as you already are--that you can be better. In other words, I will say to the author--you can be better, you can get a real degree rather than bogus life coach certification which is no substitute for a legitimate graduate degree in psychology."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 8 hours and 9 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher HarperAudio
  • Audible.com Release Date January 8, 2019
  • Language English, English
  • ASIN B07L187B76

Read Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books

Tags : Best Self Be You, Only Better (Audible Audio Edition) Mike Bayer, Phil McGraw, HarperAudio Books, ,Mike Bayer, Phil McGraw, HarperAudio,Best Self Be You, Only Better,HarperAudio,B07L187B76

Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books Reviews :

Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books Reviews

  • I’m not a reader, but I couldn’t put this down and not in the cliche way. Each chapter left me wanting to know the next. I’ve since purchased several copies to give away to family and friends, and even strangers. Coach Mike’s approach to trials and tribulations and the idea of a best self, seems to be a solution for many situations we go through that otherwise lacked something that could be consistent and universal, but at the same time, individualized and specific to the person. I highly recommend this book. It’s also something that you refer back to and reread throughout your life and as there are changes or new challenges so you can keep it and it won’t sit on a shelf forever. It was new territory for me to truly dive into self-reflection, but definitely needed and probably necessary for you too.

    “There is a pervasive belief in society that people can’t change, not really. That is absolutely 100% untrue. If people couldn’t change, I’d still be penniless and addicted to drugs. If people couldn’t change, everyone would basically be doomed. I’ve seen people overcome all odds. People change. They did. You can.”

    If this doesn’t resonate with you, read it over and over again until it does. You won’t be disappointed.
  • With all due respect, this is a decent book but says nothing that hasn't been written about in thousands of other books. You have heard it all before and lets face it, the fact that Dr. Phil is promoting/endorsing it is the reason for the book's success. Spheres of your life, arenas of your life, whatever..same old headings. Again, information and tips are useful but no original thoughts, no "theoretical thinking." What I do not like is the implicit message that you are not good enough as you already are--that you can be better. In other words, I will say to the author--you can be better, you can get a real degree rather than bogus life coach certification which is no substitute for a legitimate graduate degree in psychology.
  • I purchased based upon the positive reviews, which I'm now seriously questioning. I did not find anything in this book that hasn't been said in other, much better written books. The book was average in writing style, long in stories (which I'm not interested in), and very generic in tips. The tips and homework were all common sense ideas that most already do and know about.

    I really wanted to like the book and I really was looking for some nuggets, but I found very few. It wasn't horrible (hence not giving it 1 star), but is very generic and average. If you are looking for something deep or something that will be useful to self change or self improvement then I believe you need to look elsewhere. I'm sure in person his coaching probably works, but his methods just simply don't translate into anything useful when reduced to writing without the in-person coaching.
  • "Best Self" is a must read for anyone looking for make any type of lasting change in his/her life. I found it to be extremely helpful. It felt like Coach Mike was taking me on a personal journey of self discovery; his personal and professional anecdotes were inspiring and helped me feel connected. With the guidance of "Best Self", I was able to gain personal insight and make the much needed adjustments in my life.
  • I received this book to review before it is released.

    I found this book to be very helpful. There are a lot of different action items that one can take. I chose to do some of them to get an idea of what the book is like, but want to keep the book so I can continue doing some of the other action items as I have time or as I need them.

    The few I did really changed my perspective. I like the idea of the Best Self and the Anti-Self. It's not that we are bad people, we just have a part of us that isn't quite so helpful.

    I also like the little snippets in Coach Mike's life and his client's lives. Real world examples always help me to understand things better.

    I would highly recommend this book for anyone. Even if you aren't into self-help books, toward the end there is a great chapter on setting goals. That is helpful alone.
  • I pre-ordered this book, received it Tuesday (thank you !) and finished it today. In his direct and clear style, Coach Mike provides a roadmap to understanding what makes us tick (both the good and the not-so-good), inspires us to live the “good” and teaches how and when push the “not-so-good” away, and allows us to coach ourselves to a better place. Having a really good life coach in my life on a continuing basis is something I may never be able to afford, but I really feel that Coach Mike is personally with me as I work through the exercises in his book. It makes me accountable and that’s something I really need.

    This book is not an ordinary “self book”, it is more of a self help bible to a happier life. I know these things take work, but I feel that I now have the tools to develop better relationships and more fulfillment in my life as long as I stay with the program. Thank you Coach Mike!
  • I have always been a fan of personal growth and this book really BRINGS IT! It does not just help you identify issues, but gives you tools to actually work through them so you can really address items and programs and change them. It allowed me to really take an honest look at myself, and net feel bad about it.... but feel hopeful and positive about making changes.
  • Too often I start a book and get sidetracked along the way not ever completing it. That was not the case with Coach Mike's book. I feel like I am going to be reading this a second time in the near future. He lays out a framework that is easy to understand while also being extremely thought-provoking. I am excited about my authentic future now!
More aboutPDF Best Self Be You Only Better Audible Audio Edition Mike Bayer Phil McGraw HarperAudio Books

Read Online The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson

By Sisca R. Bakara

Read Online The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson

Download As PDF : The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson

Download PDF The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson

An instant New York Times bestseller From an award-winning historian and regular Fox contributor, the true story of how Donald Trump has become one of the most successful presidents in history -- and why America needs him now more than ever

Read Online The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson

"VDH is an erudite and calm objective historian and narrator of times past and current. History is not what anyone wishes that would have happened. History is what happened, and happens, like it or not. Too many of our claimed "historians" are propagandists, not historians. VDH is a historian of wars and culture, of life and of people.

"Ancien régime", aka, our current Ship of Tools, or, your arrogant 'superior' 'intelligentsia', or, they have learned nothing at all since 2016 and consider you all to be ignorant naive hicks. You sustain their high perches. You have the power to poke holes into their nests, while they sit high up and snicker at you, but they are so few.

Deplorables, you are the many and you have the power to vote against them. Exercise all your rights. You are free and powerful. They are just a handful of bitter losing fools. They have and want to destroy the Middle Class of the USA, which is a travesty for the country and the world.

Les Deplorablesâ„¢, a most wonderful insult transitioned into a gift, from Hillary Clinton, you did it once, you will do it again, for the USA and for all the free people of the world, but especially for all who aim to be free. They watch you the most and they hope.

Read V. D. Hanson, but also read everyone who opposes him, to determine the difference on your own, most especially how that affects your very own life and that of your family, your loved ones, your milieu."

Product details

  • File Size 1499 KB
  • Print Length 389 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1541673549
  • Publisher Basic Books (March 5, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 5, 2019
  • Language English

Read The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson

Tags : The Case for Trump - edition by Victor Davis Hanson. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Case for Trump.,ebook,Victor Davis Hanson,The Case for Trump,Basic Books,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Presidents Heads of State,Biographies Memoirs / Biographies,Biography/Autobiography,GENERAL,General Adult,HISTORY / United States / 20th Century,HISTORY / United States / 21st Century,History/United States - 20th Century,History/United States - 21st Century,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Civil Rights,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary Opinion,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Capitalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism Liberalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Libertarianism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Nationalism Patriotism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Campaigns Elections,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Media Internet,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Immigration,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Security (National International),POLITICAL SCIENCE / Terrorism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Women in Politics,Political Science/American Government - Executive Branch,Political Science/Civil Rights,Political Science/Commentary Opinion,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Capitalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Libertarianism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Nationalism Patriotism,Political Science/Political Process - Campaigns Elections,Political Science/Political Process - Media Internet,Political Science/Public Policy - Immigration,Political Science/Security (National International),Political Science/Terrorism,Political Science/Women in Politics,Political culture;United States;21st century.,Political planning - United States,Presidents - United States,Presidents - United States - Election - 2016,Presidents;United States;Biography.,Presidents;United States;Election;2016.,Trump biography; Pro trump books; fox news authors; conservative political books; how trump thinks; why trump won; trump is my president; make America great again; fox news books; gifts for conservatives; books for republicans; trump fan gift; anti establishment; new york times bestsellers; nyt bestsellers; bestselling books,Trump, Donald,United States,United States - Economic conditions - 21st century,United States - Foreign relations - 21st century,United States - Politics and government - 21st century,make america great again; Trump biography; Pro trump books; fox news authors; conservative political books; how trump thinks; why trump won; trump is my president; fox news books; gifts for conservatives; books for republicans; trump fan gift; anti establishment; new york times bestsellers; nyt bestsellers; bestselling books,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Presidents Heads of State,HISTORY / United States / 20th Century,HISTORY / United States / 21st Century,History/United States - 20th Century,History/United States - 21st Century,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Civil Rights,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary Opinion,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Capitalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism Liberalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Libertarianism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Nationalism Patriotism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Campaigns Elections,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Media Internet,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Immigration,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Security (National International),POLITICAL SCIENCE / Terrorism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Women in Politics,Political Science/American Government - Executive Branch,Political Science/Civil Rights,Political Science/Commentary Opinion,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Capitalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Libertarianism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Nationalism Patriotism,Political Science/Political Process - Campaigns Elections,Political Science/Political Process - Media Internet,Political Science/Public Policy - Immigration,Political Science/Security (National International),Political Science/Terrorism,Political Science/Women in Politics

The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson Reviews :

The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson Reviews

  • In a world where the intellectual class nearly uniformly despises Donald Trump, the celebrated historian Victor Davis Hanson has arrived to offer a clear-eyed evaluation of how Trump became President, and what that may mean for the immediate future. This is not a propagandistic defense of Trump, but an analysis of his campaign and his Presidency so far, viewed from atop the shifting sands of America’s political landscape. I doubt if this book will make Hanson popular with liberals. Nor will it make him popular with the #NeverTrumpers, but I’m also pretty sure he’s left them behind already, for the same reasons that voters left them behind—all of which Hanson outlines in this book.

    The first part of the book covers the split of America into the coastal elites, who have the power and the money, and the despised denizens of flyover country, who have neither power nor money. This is fairly well-trodden ground, most recently (with variations) by Tucker Carlson in "Ship of Fools." Trump’s candidacy was initially treated as a joke (I literally laughed when I heard it, myself), but the elites put up the very worst candidate possible, both in the abstract and for the immediate purpose, and Trump showed the deplorables he was willing and able to fight for them (whether that has come to pass is irrelevant for the question of his election, of course). None of this analysis is all that original, but it is well-written and interesting.

    The second part of the book covers the reaction to Trump of the existing structures of governmental power, who (no surprise) are closely tied to the coastal elites—what Hanson cleverly calls the ancien régime. Trump, like everyone else, had no idea of the lengths to which this group, the Deep State, would go to reverse the results of the election, a process through which we are still living. Justice is, of course, irrelevant—the goal is to get Trump, however they can. So far, they’ve come up empty, and Trump is laughing at them, as at his two-hour speech last week at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

    The question, of course, is who will have the last laugh. I’m putting my money on Trump, because I suspect that his enemies have already shot their bolt, and their reach has exceeded their grasp. Absent some economic disaster, Trump is going to be re-elected, and keep remaking the country to some extent. True, that’s not a great enough extent, but it’s a lot more than any other Republican would have done. So far, he’s been a huge success, by any objective measure, if not everything I wanted, or that those who elected him wanted. He just needs to stay the course, and, fortunately, there is every indication that is exactly what he is going to do.
  • VDH is an erudite and calm objective historian and narrator of times past and current. History is not what anyone wishes that would have happened. History is what happened, and happens, like it or not. Too many of our claimed "historians" are propagandists, not historians. VDH is a historian of wars and culture, of life and of people.

    "Ancien régime", aka, our current Ship of Tools, or, your arrogant 'superior' 'intelligentsia', or, they have learned nothing at all since 2016 and consider you all to be ignorant naive hicks. You sustain their high perches. You have the power to poke holes into their nests, while they sit high up and snicker at you, but they are so few.

    Deplorables, you are the many and you have the power to vote against them. Exercise all your rights. You are free and powerful. They are just a handful of bitter losing fools. They have and want to destroy the Middle Class of the USA, which is a travesty for the country and the world.

    Les Deplorablesâ„¢, a most wonderful insult transitioned into a gift, from Hillary Clinton, you did it once, you will do it again, for the USA and for all the free people of the world, but especially for all who aim to be free. They watch you the most and they hope.

    Read V. D. Hanson, but also read everyone who opposes him, to determine the difference on your own, most especially how that affects your very own life and that of your family, your loved ones, your milieu.
  • The renowned historian Victor Davis Hanson once again delivers a piercing review, this time of a current president beset on all sides. Hanson thoroughly explains the historical context which brought Trump to office & why his presidency was necessary to unseat the old established order. The coastal elitist have become so detached from 'Americanism' that they still can not grasp how Trump is president & they likely never will. "America first" in an age of borderless nihilism. Must read for those who wish to understand why Trump is needed, now more than ever. Victor Davis Hanson is a national treasure for risking the backlash that this book will inevitably receive from the establishment.
  • This is fantastic insight from a brilliant man. If I had my choice of dream dinner guests #1 would be Mark Steyn and #2 would be Dr. Hanson. VDH is a gift from God and I will cherish his written words till my dying day. Also, the opposition to Trump is extremely misguided and false and the facts laid out in this book prove it. If you care about facts above feelings please read this book.
  • Dr. Hanson is a great writer, serious and informative. This is the most neutral book about Trump I've read. Facts are the most important things.
  • Hanson is a brilliant observer who writes with the long view of politics and government of a classical historian to put the Trump Revolution into perspective. He explains how it happened and what it means, Get the book and share it with everyone that you know.
    I’ve read all of Hanson’s work and they do not disappoint -he wrote a book (Mexiformia) years before anyone else noticed we didn’t have as much as a fence along much of our border.
  • This belongs in the fiction/fantasy category. It certainly isn't a true account of factual information. Lies.
  • Hilarious! Really top-notch "reporting." If we weren't actually living this nightmare of the president who lost the popular vote by a landslide this would be great satire. Unfortunately, we are left with the decline and fall of American civilization. Woefully one sided and fast and loose with the facts-just like it's subject.
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Read Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon John Gregory Smith 9780857836373 Books

By Sisca R. Bakara

Read Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon John Gregory Smith 9780857836373 Books

Download As PDF : Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon John Gregory Smith 9780857836373 Books

Download PDF Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon John Gregory Smith 9780857836373 Books

Delicious Lebanese recipes from the mountains to the sea from bestselling author John Gregory-Smith

Read Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon John Gregory Smith 9780857836373 Books


Product details

  • Hardcover 192 pages
  • Publisher Kyle Books (June 4, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0857836374

Read Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon John Gregory Smith 9780857836373 Books

Tags : Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon [John Gregory Smith] on . <div><b>Delicious Lebanese recipes from the mountains to the sea from bestselling author John Gregory-Smith </b></div><div><b> </b></div><div> Sa</i> ffron in the Souks</i> is an exploration of the rich culinary offerings of Lebanon,John Gregory Smith,Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon,Kyle Books,0857836374,COOKING / Courses Dishes / General,COOKING / Regional Ethnic / Middle Eastern,COOKING / Specific Ingredients / Meat,Cookbooks,Cooking,Cooking/Specific Ingredients - Meat,GENERAL,General Adult,Great Britain/British Isles,INTERNATIONAL AND ETHNIC COOKERY,Lebanon,Non-Fiction,TRAVEL / Middle East / General,Travel/Middle East - General,cooking; cookery; recipes; recipe book; regional; ethnic; international; exotic; middle east; middle eastern; saffron; meat; meals; herbs; spices; sauces,cooking; cookery; recipes; recipe book; regional; ethnic; international; exotic; middle east; middle eastern; saffron; meat; meals; herbs; spices; sauces

Saffron in the Souks Vibrant recipes from the heart of Lebanon John Gregory Smith 9780857836373 Books Reviews :

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Read Online Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books

By Sisca R. Bakara

Read Online Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books

Download As PDF : Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books

Download PDF Bare Bones I&#39m Not Lonely If You&#39re Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books

A touching, funny, heart-wrenching, and triumphant memoir from one of the biggest names in radio, the host of The Bobby Bones Show, one of the most listened-to drive time morning radio shows in the nation.

Growing up poor in Mountain Pine, Arkansas, with a young, addicted mom, Bobby Estell fell in love with country music. Abandoned by his father at the age of five, Bobby saw the radio as his way out - a dream that came true in college when he went on air at the Henderson State University campus station, broadcasting as Bobby Bones while simultaneously starting The Bobby Bones Show at 105.9 KLAZ.

Bobby's passions were pop, country music, and comedy, and he blended the three to become a tastemaker in the country music industry, heard by millions daily. Bobby broke the format of standard country radio, mixing country and pop with entertainment news and information, and has interviewed some of the biggest names in the business, including Luke Bryan, Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, Tim McGraw, Lady Antebellum, and Jason Aldean.

Yet despite the glamour, fame, and money, Bobby has never forgotten his roots the mom and grandmother who raised him; the work ethic he embraced, which saved him and encouraged him to explore the world; and the good values that shaped him. In this funny, poignant memoir told in Bobby's distinctive patter, he takes fans on a tour of his road to radio. Bobby doesn't shy away from the curves he continues to navigate - including his obsessive-compulsive disorder - on his journey to find the happiness of a healthy family.

Funny and tender, raw and honest, Bare Bones is pure Bobby Bones - surprising, entertaining, inspiring, and authentic.

Read Online Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books

"When Bobby Bones replaced the morning show I had listened to while driving to work for the past couple of years, I was NOT happy. But I had to listen to SOMETHING on my drive to work, and I'm a creature of habit (or stubborn), so I refused to change the station.

It took me about a week to get over my upset and absolutely fall in love with the Bobby Bones show. Yeah, a whole week. Amy is sweet, Lunchbox is obnoxious, and Bobby is a true breath of fresh air.

When he said he was writing a book, I couldn't wait to read it. It took me about 3 sessions to read through it.

I don't know what the negative reviewers are complaining about. Okay, so Bobby writes like he talks, not like someone writing an essay for an English grammar class. So what! I like how he talks, and the fact that he wrote that way kept my interest. And to the reviewer who has lost respect for him.... I don't understand why... Here is an imperfect guy writing about his imperfect life. I completely get it. I respect him for it. He has trust issues. I get that, too.

The guy is real. He had a not-great childhood (overall). He was dirt poor. But he figured it out and he moved on. Okay, the "stuff" still lives in his head - hey, I have stuff from my past that won't go away, too, and if someone tells me they DON'T have "stuff" from their past, I will say that person is lying - to me AND to him/herself. But Bobby has and is making lemonade out of the lemons - for other people. He helps people -- because of where he came from. He calls that selfish. I call it remarkable.

(Oh, and he likes dogs. That makes him a-OK in my book.)

I hope Bobby finds his "happy ever after", but even if he never finds Ms. Right, I think he's doing just fine.

I loved the book. I'll read it again at some point. I HIGHLY recommend this book."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 6 hours and 24 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher HarperAudio
  • Audible.com Release Date May 17, 2016
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

Read Bare Bones I&#39m Not Lonely If You&#39re Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books

Tags : Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book (Audible Audio Edition) Bobby Bones, HarperAudio Books, ,Bobby Bones, HarperAudio,Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book,HarperAudio,B01COR0EGQ

Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books Reviews :

Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books Reviews

  • Long time listener of the BBS preordered the book and started reading it as soon as it got here today ... If youve been a listener for a while then you have heard most of the stories but it was also cool to get a glimpse into Bobby's head about what he was going through/feeling at certain times of his life .. I do wish it would of been a little longer and went into more of the relationship between him and the rest of the members of the show .. All in all though I did enjoy the book and even though I didn't buy the audiobook for some reason I could hear Bobby's voice in my head as I read it 😂
  • Very raw look into the real Bobby Bones. Heartbreaking at times. It made me want to just give him a huge hug. I've always loved listening to The Bobby Bones Show each morning during my commute to work but I have a new level of respect for Bobby after reading his book. FIGHT. GRIND. REPEAT.
  • This is seriously one of the saddest, most entertaining books I have ever read. I love the very personal touch of this book and even if you don't know who Bobby Bones is, you absolutely love him (as I do) or you don't like him (I can't imagine if you have ever listened to him), you can't help but feel his struggles as well as his success throughout this book. If you have never had the addiction struggles in your family as he had in his, it gives you an inside look at how addiction affects every single person you are around; it is not just the addicts problem. I feel like this book gave me a better understanding of how a child of addiction feels and since I work with kids who have similar situations, this was a great eye opener for me, but there is so, so, so much more in this book than just that. Thank you Bobby Bones for being so open throughout this book; you have no idea how much you have touched and inspired peoples lives just being you.
  • When Bobby Bones replaced the morning show I had listened to while driving to work for the past couple of years, I was NOT happy. But I had to listen to SOMETHING on my drive to work, and I'm a creature of habit (or stubborn), so I refused to change the station.

    It took me about a week to get over my upset and absolutely fall in love with the Bobby Bones show. Yeah, a whole week. Amy is sweet, Lunchbox is obnoxious, and Bobby is a true breath of fresh air.

    When he said he was writing a book, I couldn't wait to read it. It took me about 3 sessions to read through it.

    I don't know what the negative reviewers are complaining about. Okay, so Bobby writes like he talks, not like someone writing an essay for an English grammar class. So what! I like how he talks, and the fact that he wrote that way kept my interest. And to the reviewer who has lost respect for him.... I don't understand why... Here is an imperfect guy writing about his imperfect life. I completely get it. I respect him for it. He has trust issues. I get that, too.

    The guy is real. He had a not-great childhood (overall). He was dirt poor. But he figured it out and he moved on. Okay, the "stuff" still lives in his head - hey, I have stuff from my past that won't go away, too, and if someone tells me they DON'T have "stuff" from their past, I will say that person is lying - to me AND to him/herself. But Bobby has and is making lemonade out of the lemons - for other people. He helps people -- because of where he came from. He calls that selfish. I call it remarkable.

    (Oh, and he likes dogs. That makes him a-OK in my book.)

    I hope Bobby finds his "happy ever after", but even if he never finds Ms. Right, I think he's doing just fine.

    I loved the book. I'll read it again at some point. I HIGHLY recommend this book.
  • I've listened to the Bobby Bones show everyday for the past two years...the very first time I heard the show was right after I moved from my little hometown in SC to FL for my daughter to attend a special school for kids with autism. Our whole life had been uprooted so she could have a chance at a future and we were all pretty homesick with no friends or family nearby. As I found the radio station by chance and heard Bobby talking to a woman who called in and was crying because her dog was sick and she couldn't afford the surgery needed, he offered to pay the vet bill for her so she wouldn't lose her dog, I was hooked. We've listened ever since that day, every day and have been to a Raging Idiots concert, bought the Pimpin Joy shirts and felt like we've become part of the family as we've celebrated Lunchbox's wedding and mourned the sickness and then loss of Amy's mom and everything in between. I identify with a lot of Bobby's story about his childhood and issues that he deals with surrounding it and wish him and the entire crew nothing but the best as they continue, hopefully for a very long time, to come to us each day, making us laugh, cry and feel like part of the family.
  • At a point in my life when everything was going wrong, I stumbled upon Bobby Bones' morning show. I didn't even like country music but I was drawn to his positive attitude. Listening to his show quite possibly saved my life as it was a solitary ray of sunshine in the darkest storm of my life. He has endured a lot of terrible things and hearing him choose joy, to persevere, and to keep pushing to not only make his life better but the lives of those around him better, inspires me daily. His story isn't eloquently written nor sophisticated, and it isn't incredibly cerebral or complicated in its telling either. But it is very raw, real, motivating, and honest. He is vulnerable in telling his story and it's obvious that he is telling it to not only show the reader that they aren't alone out there, but he's telling it so he won't feel alone in his journey through life.
  • Good book, most if not all the stories I had heard before but Bobby goes into more detail than on air. Overall on the book grading scale ....overall I give Bare Bones 4 out of 5 stars. Minus one star because I still want to know what happen to Carlos ?
More aboutRead Online Bare Bones I'm Not Lonely If You're Reading This Book Audible Audio Edition Bobby Bones HarperAudio Books

Download PDF Klinische Hämostaseologie Für Zahnärzte Und Oralchirurgen Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär German Edition Christoph Sucker Claus SchüttlerJanikulla 9783110490961 Books

By Sisca R. Bakara

Download PDF Klinische Hämostaseologie Für Zahnärzte Und Oralchirurgen Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär German Edition Christoph Sucker Claus SchüttlerJanikulla 9783110490961 Books

Download As PDF : Klinische Hämostaseologie Für Zahnärzte Und Oralchirurgen Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär German Edition Christoph Sucker Claus SchüttlerJanikulla 9783110490961 Books

Download PDF Klinische Hämostaseologie Für Zahnärzte Und Oralchirurgen Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär German Edition Christoph Sucker Claus SchüttlerJanikulla 9783110490961 Books

Dieses Buch stellt praxisrelevante Aspekte des Spezialgebietes "Gerinnung" einschließlich Diagnostik und Therapie von Gerinnungsstörungen für Zahnärzte und Oralchirurgen dar. Im Fokus stehen wichtiges Wissen zu Blutungsneigung und Thromboseneigung im Rahmen der Eingriffe des Fachgebietes sowie der perioperative Umgang mit Antithrombotika.

Download PDF Klinische Hämostaseologie Für Zahnärzte Und Oralchirurgen Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär German Edition Christoph Sucker Claus SchüttlerJanikulla 9783110490961 Books


Product details

  • Series Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär
  • Hardcover 208 pages
  • Publisher De Gruyter (June 17, 2019)
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 311049096X

Read Klinische Hämostaseologie Für Zahnärzte Und Oralchirurgen Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär German Edition Christoph Sucker Claus SchüttlerJanikulla 9783110490961 Books

Tags : Klinische Hämostaseologie Für Zahnärzte Und Oralchirurgen (Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär) (German Edition) [Christoph Sucker, Claus Schüttler-Janikulla] on . Dieses Buch stellt praxisrelevante Aspekte des Spezialgebietes Gerinnung einschließlich Diagnostik und Therapie von Gerinnungsstörungen für Zahnärzte und Oralchirurgen dar. Im Fokus stehen wichtiges Wissen zu Blutungsneigung und Thromboseneigung im Rahmen der Eingriffe des Fachgebietes sowie der perioperative Umgang mit Antithrombotika.,Christoph Sucker, Claus Schüttler-Janikulla,Klinische Hämostaseologie Für Zahnärzte Und Oralchirurgen (Blutgerinnung Interdisziplinär) (German Edition),De Gruyter,311049096X,Antithrombotika; Blutungsneigung; Gerinnungsdiagnostik; Gerinnungsstörungen; Antithrombotic agents; bleeding tendency; clotting diagnostics; coagulation disorders,MAJORS,MEDICAL / Dentistry / General,Medical,Non-Fiction

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Ebook Gott hat mir nie das Du angeboten 9783451383465 Books

By Sisca R. Bakara on Saturday, May 25, 2019

Ebook Gott hat mir nie das Du angeboten 9783451383465 Books

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Ebook Gott hat mir nie das Du angeboten 9783451383465 Books


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  • Perfect Paperback
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3451383462

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