Download PDF Juvenile Court For Defense Attorneys Martin Larry Schwimmer 9781533362131 Books

This is a practical, how-to book about juvenile court delinquency practice, presented by an attorney who has defended more than a thousand children.
Every Public Defender's office should have a copy of this book on hand, as should private law offices that handle delinquency cases. A staff attorney when first assigned to juvenile court can read it in about 2 hours and immediately have a leg up on what happens and what to do.
For attorneys, legal assistants, and law school clinics, this book explains how to avoid common mistakes defending children. It highlights what occurs in the courtroom, illustrates what to say to children and parents in private, describes childhood mental conditions that are frequently encountered, examines education rights issues that must be handled in juvenile court, discusses probation and incarceration dispositions, recommends detention strategies to get your clients released from juvenile hall, and more.
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Download PDF Juvenile Court For Defense Attorneys Martin Larry Schwimmer 9781533362131 Books
"This book is a time saver. One of our younger attorneys read this book and we discussed it before she went to juvenile court. The practice tips really helped. She used the restitution tip while reviewing a file before court, and immediately questioned the claimed amount. She also said she felt comfortable and in control talking to the parents after following the advice in the book. An unexpected bonus was that the attorney assigned to train her was able to move on to his next assignment earlier than expected. I recommend this book. 5 stars are well deserved.
Disclosure: Last month we received a complimentary copy of this book. We were not asked to to write a review in exchange for the book."
Product details

Tags : Juvenile Court For Defense Attorneys [Martin Larry Schwimmer] on . This is a practical, how-to book about juvenile court delinquency practice, presented by an attorney who has defended more than a thousand children. <br /><br />Every Public Defender's office should have a copy of this book on hand,Martin Larry Schwimmer,Juvenile Court For Defense Attorneys,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1533362130,Child Advocacy,Law,Law / Child Advocacy,Law / Criminal Law / Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile Court For Defense Attorneys Martin Larry Schwimmer 9781533362131 Books Reviews :
Juvenile Court For Defense Attorneys Martin Larry Schwimmer 9781533362131 Books Reviews
- I was given a complimentary copy of this book, however these opinions are entirely my own genuine opinions.
Although I am not a lawyer, I found this book fascinating. Martin certainly has a gift for writing. He took complex and detailed subject matter and turned that into clear and concise educational material. This is how all my college textbooks should have read! I was able to easily understand 99% of the book and I normally get easily confused by legalese.
This book isn’t just a bunch of facts and rules. Martin weaves in stories and paints a picture of the scene so you can really imagine yourself being there, dealing with the children and families. I was a bit surprised to hear how some of the parents react and their expectations of the lawyer’s role. He describes how they are often shocked to find out that the lawyer isn’t there to punish the child, but instead to defend them…against the parent if necessary (even if the child wronged the parent). Fascinating!
He also gives some great guidance on the nuances of interacting with members of the court (probation officers, etc), and how getting to know them can be an advantage, even when you are on opposite sides of an opinion.
Not only is his writing easy to understand, but he somehow wraps into it a level of caring that you might not expect from a book about law. You can tell Martin cares about the children that go into the legal system, and vigorously defends their rights, and this book will encourage that in others. He made some interesting points about the number of children suffering from autism, ADHD, and even PTSD who end up in these legal situations. And he recommends ways to get those children and their parents some information about mental health services that can help them cope with their issues and ultimately keep them out of the legal system down the road.
Fantastic read! I highly recommend it! - Schwimmer's handy and easy to read book was helpful. I valued his practice points, even though I have some experience in the area. I've decided to get a couple of copies for the office, for colleagues to refer to in case they have to appear for me in court. They can get a fast and useful understanding of the relationships between the primary players, including the sometimes adversarial role between the parents and the child. There's also some discussion of law and, in addition, Schwimmer helps the reader get a picture of the different emotional and psychological make-up of juveniles. In my experience, some knowledge of this can be helpful in establishing a relationship with the client. I think the practioner in juvenile court or those with little or no experience can benefit from Schwimmer's pointers. Recommend you keep it in your shirt or jacket pocket.
- This book is a time saver. One of our younger attorneys read this book and we discussed it before she went to juvenile court. The practice tips really helped. She used the restitution tip while reviewing a file before court, and immediately questioned the claimed amount. She also said she felt comfortable and in control talking to the parents after following the advice in the book. An unexpected bonus was that the attorney assigned to train her was able to move on to his next assignment earlier than expected. I recommend this book. 5 stars are well deserved.
Disclosure Last month we received a complimentary copy of this book. We were not asked to to write a review in exchange for the book. - I was mailed a free book from the author because I own a criminal defense practice. When I got it I was suspect because it was only over 100 pages and the list price was $39.95. I thought it would be garbage. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the book was dense with material and practice tips and brilliantly simplified the juvenile court system. It points out what mistakes are commonly made in juvenile court and how to avoid them. A comparable CLE course would cost $150-$200, plus a day off work. So $40 is a steal. If you ever need to do any delinquency, it is a quick and cheap way to get started.