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An instant New York Times bestseller From an award-winning historian and regular Fox contributor, the true story of how Donald Trump has become one of the most successful presidents in history -- and why America needs him now more than everRead Online The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson
"VDH is an erudite and calm objective historian and narrator of times past and current. History is not what anyone wishes that would have happened. History is what happened, and happens, like it or not. Too many of our claimed "historians" are propagandists, not historians. VDH is a historian of wars and culture, of life and of people.
"Ancien régime", aka, our current Ship of Tools, or, your arrogant 'superior' 'intelligentsia', or, they have learned nothing at all since 2016 and consider you all to be ignorant naive hicks. You sustain their high perches. You have the power to poke holes into their nests, while they sit high up and snicker at you, but they are so few.
Deplorables, you are the many and you have the power to vote against them. Exercise all your rights. You are free and powerful. They are just a handful of bitter losing fools. They have and want to destroy the Middle Class of the USA, which is a travesty for the country and the world.
Les Deplorablesâ„¢, a most wonderful insult transitioned into a gift, from Hillary Clinton, you did it once, you will do it again, for the USA and for all the free people of the world, but especially for all who aim to be free. They watch you the most and they hope.
Read V. D. Hanson, but also read everyone who opposes him, to determine the difference on your own, most especially how that affects your very own life and that of your family, your loved ones, your milieu."
Product details - File Size 1499 KB
- Print Length 389 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN 1541673549
- Publisher Basic Books (March 5, 2019)
- Publication Date March 5, 2019
- Language English

Tags : The Case for Trump - edition by Victor Davis Hanson. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Case for Trump.,ebook,Victor Davis Hanson,The Case for Trump,Basic Books,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Presidents Heads of State,Biographies Memoirs / Biographies,Biography/Autobiography,GENERAL,General Adult,HISTORY / United States / 20th Century,HISTORY / United States / 21st Century,History/United States - 20th Century,History/United States - 21st Century,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Civil Rights,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary Opinion,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Capitalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism Liberalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Libertarianism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Nationalism Patriotism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Campaigns Elections,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Media Internet,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Immigration,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Security (National International),POLITICAL SCIENCE / Terrorism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Women in Politics,Political Science/American Government - Executive Branch,Political Science/Civil Rights,Political Science/Commentary Opinion,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Capitalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Libertarianism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Nationalism Patriotism,Political Science/Political Process - Campaigns Elections,Political Science/Political Process - Media Internet,Political Science/Public Policy - Immigration,Political Science/Security (National International),Political Science/Terrorism,Political Science/Women in Politics,Political culture;United States;21st century.,Political planning - United States,Presidents - United States,Presidents - United States - Election - 2016,Presidents;United States;Biography.,Presidents;United States;Election;2016.,Trump biography; Pro trump books; fox news authors; conservative political books; how trump thinks; why trump won; trump is my president; make America great again; fox news books; gifts for conservatives; books for republicans; trump fan gift; anti establishment; new york times bestsellers; nyt bestsellers; bestselling books,Trump, Donald,United States,United States - Economic conditions - 21st century,United States - Foreign relations - 21st century,United States - Politics and government - 21st century,make america great again; Trump biography; Pro trump books; fox news authors; conservative political books; how trump thinks; why trump won; trump is my president; fox news books; gifts for conservatives; books for republicans; trump fan gift; anti establishment; new york times bestsellers; nyt bestsellers; bestselling books,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Presidents Heads of State,HISTORY / United States / 20th Century,HISTORY / United States / 21st Century,History/United States - 20th Century,History/United States - 21st Century,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Civil Rights,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary Opinion,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Capitalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism Liberalism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Libertarianism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Nationalism Patriotism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Campaigns Elections,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Media Internet,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Immigration,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Security (National International),POLITICAL SCIENCE / Terrorism,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Women in Politics,Political Science/American Government - Executive Branch,Political Science/Civil Rights,Political Science/Commentary Opinion,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Capitalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Conservatism Liberalism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Libertarianism,Political Science/Political Ideologies - Nationalism Patriotism,Political Science/Political Process - Campaigns Elections,Political Science/Political Process - Media Internet,Political Science/Public Policy - Immigration,Political Science/Security (National International),Political Science/Terrorism,Political Science/Women in Politics
The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson Reviews :
The Case for Trump eBook Victor Davis Hanson Reviews
- In a world where the intellectual class nearly uniformly despises Donald Trump, the celebrated historian Victor Davis Hanson has arrived to offer a clear-eyed evaluation of how Trump became President, and what that may mean for the immediate future. This is not a propagandistic defense of Trump, but an analysis of his campaign and his Presidency so far, viewed from atop the shifting sands of America’s political landscape. I doubt if this book will make Hanson popular with liberals. Nor will it make him popular with the #NeverTrumpers, but I’m also pretty sure he’s left them behind already, for the same reasons that voters left them behind—all of which Hanson outlines in this book.
The first part of the book covers the split of America into the coastal elites, who have the power and the money, and the despised denizens of flyover country, who have neither power nor money. This is fairly well-trodden ground, most recently (with variations) by Tucker Carlson in "Ship of Fools." Trump’s candidacy was initially treated as a joke (I literally laughed when I heard it, myself), but the elites put up the very worst candidate possible, both in the abstract and for the immediate purpose, and Trump showed the deplorables he was willing and able to fight for them (whether that has come to pass is irrelevant for the question of his election, of course). None of this analysis is all that original, but it is well-written and interesting.
The second part of the book covers the reaction to Trump of the existing structures of governmental power, who (no surprise) are closely tied to the coastal elites—what Hanson cleverly calls the ancien régime. Trump, like everyone else, had no idea of the lengths to which this group, the Deep State, would go to reverse the results of the election, a process through which we are still living. Justice is, of course, irrelevant—the goal is to get Trump, however they can. So far, they’ve come up empty, and Trump is laughing at them, as at his two-hour speech last week at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
The question, of course, is who will have the last laugh. I’m putting my money on Trump, because I suspect that his enemies have already shot their bolt, and their reach has exceeded their grasp. Absent some economic disaster, Trump is going to be re-elected, and keep remaking the country to some extent. True, that’s not a great enough extent, but it’s a lot more than any other Republican would have done. So far, he’s been a huge success, by any objective measure, if not everything I wanted, or that those who elected him wanted. He just needs to stay the course, and, fortunately, there is every indication that is exactly what he is going to do. - VDH is an erudite and calm objective historian and narrator of times past and current. History is not what anyone wishes that would have happened. History is what happened, and happens, like it or not. Too many of our claimed "historians" are propagandists, not historians. VDH is a historian of wars and culture, of life and of people.
"Ancien régime", aka, our current Ship of Tools, or, your arrogant 'superior' 'intelligentsia', or, they have learned nothing at all since 2016 and consider you all to be ignorant naive hicks. You sustain their high perches. You have the power to poke holes into their nests, while they sit high up and snicker at you, but they are so few.
Deplorables, you are the many and you have the power to vote against them. Exercise all your rights. You are free and powerful. They are just a handful of bitter losing fools. They have and want to destroy the Middle Class of the USA, which is a travesty for the country and the world.
Les Deplorablesâ„¢, a most wonderful insult transitioned into a gift, from Hillary Clinton, you did it once, you will do it again, for the USA and for all the free people of the world, but especially for all who aim to be free. They watch you the most and they hope.
Read V. D. Hanson, but also read everyone who opposes him, to determine the difference on your own, most especially how that affects your very own life and that of your family, your loved ones, your milieu. - The renowned historian Victor Davis Hanson once again delivers a piercing review, this time of a current president beset on all sides. Hanson thoroughly explains the historical context which brought Trump to office & why his presidency was necessary to unseat the old established order. The coastal elitist have become so detached from 'Americanism' that they still can not grasp how Trump is president & they likely never will. "America first" in an age of borderless nihilism. Must read for those who wish to understand why Trump is needed, now more than ever. Victor Davis Hanson is a national treasure for risking the backlash that this book will inevitably receive from the establishment.
- This is fantastic insight from a brilliant man. If I had my choice of dream dinner guests #1 would be Mark Steyn and #2 would be Dr. Hanson. VDH is a gift from God and I will cherish his written words till my dying day. Also, the opposition to Trump is extremely misguided and false and the facts laid out in this book prove it. If you care about facts above feelings please read this book.
- Dr. Hanson is a great writer, serious and informative. This is the most neutral book about Trump I've read. Facts are the most important things.
- Hanson is a brilliant observer who writes with the long view of politics and government of a classical historian to put the Trump Revolution into perspective. He explains how it happened and what it means, Get the book and share it with everyone that you know.
I’ve read all of Hanson’s work and they do not disappoint -he wrote a book (Mexiformia) years before anyone else noticed we didn’t have as much as a fence along much of our border. - This belongs in the fiction/fantasy category. It certainly isn't a true account of factual information. Lies.
- Hilarious! Really top-notch "reporting." If we weren't actually living this nightmare of the president who lost the popular vote by a landslide this would be great satire. Unfortunately, we are left with the decline and fall of American civilization. Woefully one sided and fast and loose with the facts-just like it's subject.